's a quote from of the "Squatisms" (as they've become known as):
"Let me put it into a simple formula for you. It’s easy. When you walk into a gym, have a PLAN well established long beforehand, but keep it flexible (stuff happens)."
You'll be blessed with a Squatism on each of the next several blogs. Perhaps by the time I run out of 'em, the blog will have taken on a life of its own. Perchance, some of you may even have a question or two that I can answer! Or not answer. I guess I'm saying that whatever form this blog takes is up to y'all.
Plan. Hmmm. What sort of plan? How elaborate? Can I pull it off? Do I have the resources? Think of your plan as a step-by-step instruction booklet for the house you're about to build. Now, you realize that there is a logical sequence that MUST be followed when building a house. You cann't start the house by laying carpet. Know what I mean? Of course you do. Here's what the step-by-step plan will look like:
- choose a location
- lay a foundation
- frame goes up (the superstructure)
- electricity, plumbing, heat, etc.
- walls
- detailing
- move in
Now, look at your body, and what you want it to become. The approach is going to be almost identical to the 7 steps of building your house:
- choose a gym (not the easiest chore in the world, as most are not worthy)
- lay a foundation (those core muscles need to be strengthened)
- alllof your superstructural muscles tended to
- thru 7. In a logical sequence, pay attention to details. Bodyfat levels down, eating habits in order, sports or fitness goals considered in restructuring your training program to meet the new (higher) demands of your ever-morphing body.
OK...this is a start...comments?
Fred, thank you for your blog. I think a lot of fitness enthusiasts will enjoy. Let me the first to wish you the best.
Dr. Hatfield,
It is a priviledge to learn from you as you share your knowledge and educate us all through this blog. I just wanted to share this poem with you that has motivated me through many challenges and I hope that these words will inspire others to strive for their true potential. I hope that someday we will meet and be able share our thoughts on the future of fitness. Thanks for taking time to share your insight with all of us.
Chris Tedesco
Its all in the state of mind
If you think you are beaten, you are:
If you think you dare not, you won't
If you like to win, but don't think you can
It's almost certain you won't.
If you think you'll lose, you're lost;
For out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellow's will;
It's all in a state of mind.
For many a game is lost,
Ere even a play is run,
And many a coward fails
Ere even his work begun.
Think big and your deeds will grow,
Think small and you'll fall behind;
Think that you CAN and you WILL;
It's all in a state of mind.
If you think you are out-classed, you are;
You've got to think high to rise;
You've got to be sure of yourself before
You can ever win a prize.
Life's battles don't always go
To the stronger or faster man,
But sooner or later, the man who wins
Is the fellow who thinks he can.
Hey Doctor Fred,
As always, you da' man! There is an old saying, "Experts are those who think they have nothing left to learn". I can honestly say, I have read a ton of your stuff about squats, over and over again, and I have yet to learn it all. I find something new every time I read it and for that you keep me motivated.
Don't ever think you have nothing left to say. God gave you a brain and a mouth for a reason and He gave you this wonderful knowledge. It was because of you that I became ISSA certified and then some months later had the honor and privalege of speaking with you several times by phone. You made me feel like da' man!
Keep talking - don't ever close that wonderfully, brilliant and knowledgeable mouth of yours.
Keep working on keeping us educated and challeging us. It is only when we think we have nothing left to give that we die. I dare say, you are no where near death....Unless that is what squatting 1000 plus pounds might feel like...
Thanks a bunch, God bless you and stay the course.
ISSA-cft,spn,NBFE board registered
Hi Doc,
I have just joined ISSA-SPN after hearing about you and reading your articles and books.
thanks for this blog as this will definately help clear a lot of myths about body building in particular and fitness in general.
Good luck and look forward to receive the nector of wisdom from you.
Vivek (India)
ISSA-SPN,Yoga Teacher,Specialized Kinesiology Facilitator.
That's such a good point -- you need to have a plan or you won't get anywhere (or even know where you're going), but you also need to be able to adjust.
I'm looking forward to more "squatisms". Probably like a lot of people here, I came to the ISSA because of your reputation, and I'll stay because of the quality of the organization and the support it provides.
Your blog has been been inspirational ans so are your books. I wish you health and a long writing career.
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